540 ALABAMA   1980 - 2020

Time marches on, and another eviction notice appeared.  This time finding a space that could accommodate everyone became impossible. Chase found a studio in an artist's co-op called Developing Environments.  Train tracts ran through on one side of the building, and down the block a cement factory stood empty and deserted.  A year later he was able to expand into a double studio, the smallest space he had ever worked in. He enjoyed living around other people and developed his friends there.  The space has evolved and changed and the district, by 2014 had exploded into a destination for the young and hip. Trendy restaurants, fancy coffee-houses, and astounding numbers of young hopefuls in the dot-com game.

The Christmas Breakfast now has morphed into a 12th night party (after New Years), the only annual event held at the studio.